Journey of the Elements
February Break Camp
Come make friends, play games, frolic in the snow, and learn about the elements at Willowell’s Journey of the Elements Camp this February break.
Join us for an adventure with the elements! The element of Earth isn’t just about the soil under our feet. Let’s explore together how it also grows our food and helps us to ground our bodies when we feel overwhelmed. The element of Air isn’t just about the breeze that carries seeds and the oxygen that fills our lungs, but it can also support us in learning how to communicate our needs and speak our truth.
There is a whole world to explore within each element and how they can support us in daily living. Through exploratory discussions, games, mindfulness practice, special element-based activities, singing, dancing, exploring the natural world, we will learn about and connect with all 5 elements of our Earth (earth, water, fire, air, ether).
This will be a week of fun, learning, imagination, magic, and discovery while also fostering community, personal connection to nature, and inner empowerment. There is much in store! We’d love to see you there.
Children are encouraged to come dressed in costume each day (if they desire) for the element of the day. Monday: Earth, Tuesday: Water, Wednesday: Fire, Thursday: Air, Friday: Ether.
February 24th-28th
9:00 AM to 3:30 PM
7 - 10
Stoney Meadow Lane
Monkton, VT 05443
camp size
Complete the 2025 Camp Registration Form and learn about payment options by clicking the button below:
If a cancellation is made 21 days before the start of camp, tuition minus a $50 processing fee will be reimbursed. Cancellation anytime three weeks (21 days) prior to the first day of camp will be non-refundable. Please note: your place in camp is not secured until we receive full payment.
Second Leader TBA
Please consider the health of other children when deciding whether or not to bring a possibly ill child to camp. Generally, if your child does not feel well, please do not send your child to camp. In an effort to keep the spread of contagious illnesses to a minimum, it is Willowell's policy that a child who has the following symptoms remain at home until symptoms subside:
● Temperature of 99.9 or higher (must be fever free for 24 hours without
medication to return to school)
● Vomiting, or diarrhea (must wait 24 hours after symptoms subside to return to
● Persistent loose cough
● Unusual skin rashes
● Flu type symptoms (muscle aches, headache, sore throat)
● Red eyes with drainage
Camp staff will call parents or guardians and ask them to pick up their child if we observe that:
● The ill child is unable to take part comfortably in regular activities.
● The ill child needs care that significantly interferes with the teachers’ ability
to provide appropriate care for other children.
● The child has signs or symptoms of a possible serious condition.
● The child has signs or symptoms that indicate a contagious illness or
condition or has a diagnosed contagious illness or condition.
● If a child is determined to have a fever of 99.9 by oral thermometer. A parent
or contact person will be called to pick the child up from Wren’s Nest. A child
must be fever free without medication for 24 hours before returning to Willowell programming.
● If a child vomits at camp a parent or contact person will be called to
pick up the child.
It is our policy that a child must wait 24 hours after vomiting or diarrhea
symptoms subside to return to the program.