‘Rewilding’ Summer Workshop Series


Join Conservation Ecologist, Yulia Klimento for our ‘Adult Rewilding’ program at the Willowell Foundation Land in Monkton.

In this workshop, you will discover a pathway toward remembering your part in the web of life. You can expect to relearn the names of those that support the existence and interplay of human beings amidst the larger world: calling to light the food, medicine, fuel and fiber, as facets of support the natural environment offers.

In this day-long workshop of discovery, you will reconnect with the unconditional support the Earth & the ecosystem in which we are nested within provide.

The goal is to unlock the infinite capacity of humans as regenerative agents of change, being keystone species on this planet; and to begin this work by reorienting oneself with the rhythms and potentiality of the Earth’s good nature.

Of the program Yulia says, “We need to equip ourselves with the knowledge, skills, resources, and community connections that create a web of resilience which is strong enough to face the future and compassionate enough to hold us along the way. We need to learn about ourselves intimately and learn about the world around us. The ecology of our particular bioregion is the cheat sheet, our code to coming home to the land we live upon. The cycles in the seasons, the patterns of sunlight & darkness, the way the waters move along the landscape all inform the plant and animal life that subsist here, humans included.”

Workshop highlights will include: learning to identify and process edible and medicinal plants on the Willowell Land; exploring ancestral fire building techniques (Tandem Bow Drill or Ferro Rod); discussions around attuning with the seasons and working with earth elements; calling in plant and animal allies and tending a lasting relationship with the Earth.


July 21

9:00 AM - 4:00 PM




The Willowell Land, Monkton


$75-125 (sliding scale)

registration PROCESS

Complete the Registration Form and learn about payment options by clicking the button below:



Yulia Klimento