The Pond Brook Project takes off

Pond Brook is back this fall as a full-time approved middle school

pond brook

Pond Brook has had a great time establishing a new groove and exploring Addison county in their mobile classroom, and on campus with insightful classes on ecology, math, current events, art, and special guests.

So far, students have been out to visit Kingsland Bay and learned about the long history of this part of Vermont, as well as Lake Champlain. Pond Brook students helped support the recent Harvest Fest by volunteering to make pizzas, serving snacks, and cleaning up the campus for the community to enjoy.

Students have also created a papier-mâché globe, painted custom signs to post around campus, carefully crafted a 10+ foot monster, decked out the yurt, and built a new HQ fire, too. A currency and various shops have sprouted up as well, and Pond Brookers have used this opportunity to be creative and inventive around campus.

It’s been an exciting start, and as the days get colder and everyone huddles closer to the fire, we’re curious to see where the semester and the rest of year will take this unique middle school project!

Tasha Ballpond brook, willowell